未建立正常連線服務 Connection could not be established

親愛的客戶,您好:  Dear Customer,   

  • 很抱歉,由於未能與系統正常的建立服務連線,請您將以下查詢序號提供予本行客服人員協助,造成不便,敬請見諒!
    Sorry for the connection could not be established, please contact customer service with providing the Serial Number for further assistance. Sorry for any inconvenience caused~
    客戶服務專線(Customer Service):
    股務24hr語音專線(Transfer Agency) :(02)6636-5566
    法人信託服務專線(Trust Services) :(02)5589-9968
    私校退撫服務專線(Private School Faculties) :(02)2558-0128
    保管銀行服務專線(Custodian Bank) :+886-2-55899968

    專線服務時間(Our client service time):
    星期一至星期五(例假日除外)Monday through Friday (excluding holidays)
    09:00 - 17:30
  • 查詢序號 (Serial Number):3681615650969266976